Supporting Us

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come (Mat. 24:14).” Jesus expects that the whole church in unity would take the whole Gospel to the whole world, as promoted by the Lausanne Covenant (1974). Now, the new generation of Christians is best equipped with knowledge and research of all times. With the aid of state-of-the-art technology and efficient transportation, the Gospel should have traveled afar at lightning speed. However, we are living in a frustrating environment for evangelism. The Pew Research Center has revealed that over 80% of the world’s population is domiciled in regions with high or very high religious restrictions. Most of the populous countries do not welcome ideologies brought in from other nations including religious beliefs. Such survey results have aroused our alertness that people spreading the Good News to the unreached people groups are subject to a much higher challenge than the previous age.

E-Tendance has been established since 6 Jun 2018 as a registered charity organization in Hong Kong. We respond to a special call from the Lord to research, explore, and implement effective approaches to serve the Creative Access Districts. We also take care of the intercultural ambassadors extending the Kingdom of Heaven to the unreached areas where Christianity advancement is difficult. Please support us through prayer and donation. Participation in our events, courses, seminars, and sharing is most welcome to learn about your possible roles and opportunities in serving together with us. We hope that we can work with you in one heart for the Great Commission.

You may contact us through direct call or WhatsApp: 852-93765972

Donation Methods:

1. Cheque payable to “E-Tendance Co. Ltd.” Mailing address: Room C6, 20/F.,
Jing Ho Industrial Building, 78-84 Wang Lung St., Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong.

2. FPS 102261260

3. Deposit to the Bank of East Asia: 015-213-68-00755-4 Please send deposit slip to WhatsApp 852-93765972 or email [email protected]

Please leave your name, contact number, email or address so that we can send our letter of gratitude to you. There will be a tax deductible receipt for donation $100 or above.