Creative Access Wisdom

Many parts of the world are unfriendly to Christianity. Overt evangelistic actions are either unwelcome or prohibited. Christian ministries in these areas have to be conducted adaptively to reach out to the communities. We believe that through the theology of blessing, we can help the unreached to admire truth; thus opening their heart to seek a journey towards everlasting life. Creativity is required to engage the communities in establishing lovingkindness and care. Then they will experience the goodness of the Lord.

In such Creative Access Districts, to bear the Great Commission, we have to exercise our wisdom (Proverbs 11:30) in the light of Biblical teaching. But no matter what innovation we plan to implement, our approach should be restricted to legitimate, reasonable, and appropriate means. Throughout these attempts, we have to ensure that all the guidance from Genesis to Revelation is not violated.

Businesses, services, and ministries integrated with holistic blessings in the truth can be the suitable instruments to build Shalom in the communities. With cultivating cultural transformation journey as the ultimate goal of living there, the intercultural interaction requires a commitment in a long-term gracious relationship with the social circles we interface with. We believe that the loving care of Christ exercised with prudent wisdom is the most convincing way to remove misunderstandings and hurts from the past trajectory of evangelization. In the light of the Bible, we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all the interlinked learning cycles of practical explorations and theological reflections.